9000 kilometres of Peace
There are many paths to peace. One such path as taken by Vietnamese monk, Venerable Bhikkhu Buddha Dhatu covered 9000 kilometres of the world. The Heart for Peace Global Walk began on 28 January 1998 in Bodhigaya in India, the spot where the Buddha is said to have been enlightened. This journey took Bhikkhu Buddha Dhatu and his companions of monks, nuns and lay disciples through 34 countries and walk without shoes 9000 kilometres. On the way, they walked with people from all different backgrounds, and have walked with the Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev and the late Mother Teresa.
On this journey, they lead simple lives. Eating one meal daily, they begin walking early in the morning, and go until late afternoon or evening. The walkers do not go into houses, even if invited, but keep to the outdoors. They do not take money, but accept gifts of fruit. The support van's small crew, however, accepts donations for gas. "Like Buddha, we live simply," Bhikkhu Buddha Dhatu explained.
Join us for an evening with Bhikkhu Buddha Dhatu as he retells his journey around the world and the message of peace experienced on this journey.
You can download Bhikkhu Buddhadhatu’s book “Returning from Death” here: https://www.dhammatalks.net/Books5/Buddha_Dhatu_Returning_from_Death.pdf