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Jul 13, 2016 5:30 PM

July 13, 2016 8:30 PM

7-9 Cross Street

A Dhamma Practioner's Session: An evening with Ajahn Jamnian

With Ajahn Jamnien’s visit in Sydney almost over, we are lucky enough to have him at the Metta Centre for one final event. This is your opportunity to ask those lingering meditation, dhamma and practice questions and get clarity and guidance from a respected master in Dhamma.
Ajahn Jamnian is one of the most highly revered meditation masters in the Theravada tradition. His wisdom, loving-kindness, joyful presence, infectious laughter and charismatic character are well known in Thailand and throughout the world. Ajahn Jamnian teaches many methods of vipassana meditation. Each focuses on seeing and understanding the impersonal nature of the mind and body, which are constantly changing, unsatisfactory, and empty of self. He encourages continuous investigation of desire, aversion, and delusion in the mind. “Every situation that arises is an opportunity to practice insight so we can steer ourselves back to the Middle Path.” Ajahn Jamnian sees meditation “as a living practice in which the development of insight must pervade every aspect of life, not just during hours devoted to formal meditation”.


Jul 13, 2016 5:30 PM


Jul 13, 2016 8:30 PM


7-9 Cross Street


July 13, 2016

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