A Public Talk - Healing The Heart by Venerable Wellawatte Seelagawesi Thero
Healing the Heart
A public talk by Venerable Wellawatte Seelagawesi Thero
Friday 9 December 2016 6.30pm for a 7pm start to 9pm
When there is a wound on our body, we often tend to it, but when there is a wound in our hearts, we may dismiss it or not tend to it as we don’t know how to do so. Yet every day, we store emotional pain in our hearts and harbour harmful thoughts in our mind, that aren’t properly acknowledged and cared for.
In this special session with Buddhist healer, Venerable Wellawatte Seelagawesi, we will explore ways to understand our suffering, and ways to transform it.
Venerable Seelagawesi is the resident monk and spiritual guide at the Nissarana International Meditation Center in Kandy, Sri Lanka. He has spent numerous years teaching, healing, and guiding practitioners on the noble path at the Nissarana Centre, as well as giving talks and retreats internationally.
This will also be the last evening before Venerable Seelagawesi returns to Sri Lanka as he concludes his Australian trip this year, and therefore we welcome all his students and supporters to join us in a final gathering in gratitude for Venerable’s time and teaching here in Australia.