A three-week Meditation Course
In a three-part series of public talks, Venerable Vimalaramsi will be speaking about various aspects of meditation.
On 16 October Venerable Vimalaramsi will speak on the topic of “Smiling and the Power of Mindfulness”. Have you noticed how every statue of a Buddha you see has a smile on it? Why is that? The Buddha taught us that "we are the happy ones" and Bhante Vimalaramsi has found out that smiling makes your meditation go faster and your life go better. This session will show you how!
On 23 October Venerable Vimalaramsi will speak about "Loving-kindness and “Yes! It takes you to Awakening!". Many people have heard of Anapanasati and the breath meditation taught by the Buddha but in the suttas he actually taught Loving-kindness or the path of the Brahmaviharas (Four Immeasurable Minds) as a much faster path to awakening.
On 30 October, Venerable Vimalaramsi will speak about "Craving and the letting go of Craving with the 6Rs." How do we understand and let go of desire? It is with Right Effort and what Venerable Vimalaramsi calls using the 6Rs. Come and see how you can learn the 6Rs to eliminate all disturbance in your life and your meditation.