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Dec 26, 2019 9:00 AM

December 26, 2019 5:00 PM

7-9 Cross Street, #2

Buddhism for Daily Living

Metta Centre is hosting a very special Boxing Day event with a very special Buddhist teacher as part of our international speakers series: Venerable Bk. Dhamma from Taiwan. Bk. Dhamma will be running a full day course on different aspects of the Buddha’s teachings, and how to apply this to our daily living. The topics explored are:

1. Practicing the heart-mind in daily life: Introduction the four Brahma Vihāras, the four immeasurable mind states, of Mettā (Loving-kindness), Karuṇā (Compassion), Muditā (Appreciative Joy) and Upekkhā (Equanimity) 绍佛教中的四无量心/四梵住:慈、悲、喜、舍
2. Practicing mindfulness in daily life: Introduction the Ānāpānasati Meditation (Breath Meditation) and Mettā Bhavana (Loving Kindness meditation) 如何在日常现代生活保持正念:上座部佛教慈心禅和安般念禅修法介绍
3. Practicing Hospice care: How to use Theravada Buddhism in providing care for the dying传上座部佛教如何做临终关怀文化?

Please note that Bk. Dhamma will be giving the talk in Mandarin and his assistant teacher will be interpreting into English. Lunch and afternoon tea will provided, but you are invited to bring vegetarian food, drinks and fruit to offer to Bk. Dhamma and to be shared with the other attendees.

Booking is essential for catering purposes so please send your RSVP by 24/12/2019 to Ken [email protected]. For further information, please contact Ken 0430345338 (English and Cantonese enquiries) or Yan 0430527889 (Mandarin enquiries).

About the speaker: Bk. Dhamma was born in Taiwan and ordained in Burma when he was 23 years old. Bk. Dhamma’s study centred on the Pāli Canon, and has extensive practice and teaching of both Samatha and Vipassanā meditation. For the last two years, BK Dhamma has been invited by Zhiguan_Xueshe to teach Theravada Buddhism and meditation online so as to bring his teachings to a global audience. BK. Dhamma will soon be facilitating another online course on “The Great Chronicle of Buddhas” written by the Ven. Mingun Sayādaw. Bk Dhamma also runs meditation retreats around the world, and we are grateful for his time to teach at the Metta Centre during his very short stay in Australia this year.


Dec 26, 2019 9:00 AM


Dec 26, 2019 5:00 PM


7-9 Cross Street, #2


December 26, 2019

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