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Buddhism Heals, Nature Heals
This session is to discuss about nature-based therapies and its role in our spiritual and physical well-being
Buddhism Heals, Nature Heals
Meet the author of Nature Heals, Virginia Field
Accompanied by Ling Halbert and Tina Ng
At Metta Centre in person or via Zoom
Cost: By Donation
Metta Centre is delighted to invite Virginia Field, co-author of Nature Heals, to discuss about nature-based therapies and its role in our spiritual and physical wellbeing. Ling Halbert will be sharing her own inspiring stories about how her clients have been nurtured by ecotherapy and Buddhism. Tina Ng will be facilitating the discussion as we explore the interplay between Buddhism, nature, wellbeing and health care, to deal with the stresses of modern life. We will discuss how nature heals, whether it's in your garden, in your bushwalks or just watching the clouds float by above you. Copies of Nature Heals will be available for purchase at the event. To read more about the book: https://naturehealsbook.com/
About the Presenters:
Virginia Field is a counsellor, facilitator, and trainer. She has more than two decades of experience in community settings, working with individuals and groups. She has worked predominantly with women, older people, people living with a disability, and those living with a mental illness. Virginia has been a member of the Horticultural Therapy Society of NSW for nearly 20 years, and served as Chairperson for 6 years, and in this time has developed her own approach and practice of Nature-assisted therapy. She is co-author of 'Nature Heals - an Introduction to Nature-based Therapies in Australia and New Zealand'.
Ling Halbert is a teacher, an Eco therapist, a grandmother and a facilitator. Inspired by her Lao-Chinese heritage, Ling teaches many techniques, including tea ceremony, mindful and heartful cooking , Taichi and Chinese knotting. Her passion is to motivate and inspire people to take responsibility and custodianship in looking after their physical, spiritual and emotional health and wellbeing; through handcraft and creative arts, gardening and cooking. Ling is currently working at a women's health centre and is passionate about support and caring for women. Ling is a facilitator at WEAVE Parramatta and is also a Special Religion Educator.
Tina Ng is the Founder and President of the Metta Centre and also the Principal Solicitor of Metta Legal, a law firm that deals with cases relating to family law, child protection, property, civil litigation and guardianship matters. She is an accredited mediator at Metta Resolution, which provides mediation, training and coaching to resolve conflict in the community and within families. She has shared the Buddha’s teachings in conferences, talks, workshops, and in her writings.
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