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Aug 19, 2023 12:00 AM

August 20, 2023 11:59 PM

5 Saywell Road

Buddhist Detox Retreat – A Mind Lab Event

Buddhist Detox Retreat – A Mind Lab Event

When: 19-20 August 2023 (overnight stay)

Presenters: Ven. Dharana Dassa Thero, and Ven. Dr. Mahinda Thero

Location: Karuna Sanctuary Retreat Centre, Katoomba

Cost: by Donation

Registration: (not via Eventbrite)

We all face challenges, problems and hardships. We all suffer. We may have come to accept this as a natural part of life. Yet in actual fact this suffering is based entirely in the ignorance of the mind. That means there’s an answer, a solution, a light at the end the tunnel. There is happiness. Though we may read about ‘suffering’ is mentioned in Buddhist textbooks, there’s a more profound meaning to it, a concept to be understood, provided that we’re ready to open our eyes. The first step to this happiness is the first step on the Noble Eightfold Path: ‘Right View’. Instead of trying to solve our surface level problems, we should reach within ourselves and solve the problem at its core. This retreat is to show us the way, to act as a lighthouse, a way to see through these predicaments. There’s no need for past experiences or knowledge of Buddhist teachings. We’re all starting fresh, detoxing our mind by showing it the right view. So as long as you’ve got an open mind and the will to keep pushing on towards the light, you’re welcome to join us as we take our first steps towards a happier life.

Join us on this special residential retreat organised by Metta Centre and Ministry of Nirvana at the Karuna Sanctuary, Katoomba. There will be talks, Q & A sessions, guided meditation, outdoor activities, campfire and more.

To ensure a comfortable stay, spaces are limited and bookings are essential. Please ensure you book to save your spot, and if you later cannot attend, please let us know as soon as possible so your spot is offered to someone else.

To book, please use the following link for registration: Please note that you if you book via Eventbrite that does not secure your registration.

For further information please contact: 0425173612 or [email protected]

About the location: Explore the Karuna Sanctuary here:

About the presenters


Ven. Dharana Dassa Thero, aka Dassa Thero, is a young and charismatic Buddhist monk. Having grown up in a loving family of two sisters, from a very young age Dassa thero demonstrated an endearing sense of compassion and loving kindness towards all who crossed his path. Educated in a prestigious British Grammar School, very soon he developed a keen acumen for examining virtually every aspect of life, both physical and spiritual. His curiosity and unquenchable thirst to understand the "truths" about life and its purpose were fore signs of a future not even he could imagine. His life took a turn off the beaten path when he met a teacher who was prepared to show him the absolute Truths, and under his guidance Dassa Thero ventured into the depths of the Buddha's Philosophy.


Six years on, he celebrates his journey as a higher-ordained Buddhist monk, by sharing his discoveries with a growing audience of avid listeners who tune in to his talks regularly from across the globe. His innate ability to deliver life-changing talks by intertwining the timeless truths of Dhamma with inspirational stories and modern-day examples - all based in the foundations of science, helps apply the Buddhist teachings into our lives effortlessly. Dassa Thero's unwavering goal is to realise the Ultimate Truth of Unconditional Happiness. Enroute to achieving that goal he wishes to spread the seeds of happiness and peace to all mankind.

Ven. Dr.  Mahinda Thero: Having lived his lay life in Australia, working as a research scientist at Australian National University after completing his PhD, Ven. Mahinda Thero has always been a curious seeker of the fundamental truths of life which he believes are the cornerstones of a fulfilling life. It was this curiosity and no small amount of good fortune which led both him and his then wife to discover the authentic teachings of the Buddha. In the footsteps of a teacher who showed them the true purpose of their life and the path that would lead them to Enlightenment, Ven. Mahinda Thero decided to make the life-changing choice to leave behind an indulgent lifestyle of worldly comforts, material successes and marriage, and set off on a journey to achieve  unshakeable happiness.

On his journey as a higher-ordained monk, he has helped many thousands of individuals overcome life challenges, such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, addictions and more. Ven. Mahinda Thero is a pro bono consultant for Vimukthi Foundation, a state registered charitable NGO established in Sri Lanka, which operates several social service programmes such as a rehabilitation centre, an orphanage, and a youth academy. Whilst practising the noble path to reach his ultimate goal of unshakeable happiness, as someone who has delivered several talks on related topics to numerous audiences both in Sri Lanka and Australia, he is well known for dedicating his time and energy to spread compassion and kindness to all and help them discover the absolute truths of life, as he once did.

With Metta
Tina Ng
METTA CENTRE INCORPORATED  Shop 2, 7-9 Cross Street Bankstown, NSW 2200
T: 02 9708 6200    F: 02 9708 6211   E: [email protected]   

Aug 19, 2023 12:00 AM


Aug 20, 2023 11:59 PM


5 Saywell Road


August 20, 2023

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