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Oct 29, 2023 10:30 AM

October 29, 2023 4:00 PM

134 Teudts Rd

Buddhist Temple Tour

Buddhist Temple Tour 29 October, 10.30am – 4pm AEDT Location: Chan Miao Zen Centre, 134 Teudts Rd, Penrose NSW Cost: Free (Donations to Chan Miao Zen Centre are appreciated)   Take a free guided tour of the Chan Miao Zen Centre, newly established and set on 58 acres of natural bush, bordered by the Morton National Park. Spend the day enjoying the peacefulness of the temple, meditating and learning from Venerable Jian Meng, who is visiting Sydney before he returns back to Taiwan. Lunch is provided, and participants can also bring food and drinks to offer if they wish.   About the Teacher: Venerable Jian Meng is the spiritual teacher of Chan Miao Zen Centre in Australia. Venerable Jian Meng was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He studied Mahayana Buddhism for more than ten years, before ordaining as a monk under Venerable Wei Jue in Zhong Tai Zen Temple, Taiwan. Subsequently, he also practiced Mahasi and Pak Auk meditation for about eight years. He is currently sharing the profound teaching of Mahayana Zen (mind) teaching, helping individuals overcome the obstacles of body and mind and benefit from the teachings of The Buddha. Venerable Jian Meng has dedicated his life to supporting the Buddhist community, and is a well-respected teacher to many. Venerable Jian Meng will be sharing his teachings in Mandarin and his teachings will be interpreted into English.   见猛长老出生于台湾高雄,年轻时即接触佛法。 学习北传佛法十多余年,热衷护持道场8年。因缘际会下在中台禪寺惟觉老和尚剃度出家。后学习南传马哈希及帕奥禪法约8年。目前以北传禪宗心法之妙义与大众结缘,助人脱离身心之障碍并受益于佛陀之教义。

Oct 29, 2023 10:30 AM


Oct 29, 2023 4:00 PM


134 Teudts Rd


October 29, 2023

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