Clean, clear, and calm: overcoming mental negativity
Clean, clear, and calm: overcoming mental negativity
Presenter: Ayya Suvira
Wed 6 April | 7-8.30pm
Online: links provided below
Cost: Free
We know we want calm and an improved quality of life, but when tiredness and frustration set in, what can we do to bust negativity and live the best day we possibly can, every day? In this talk, Ayya Suvira will expand on the Buddha's words in the Simile of the Cloth Sutta on how to overcome negativity and stay calm in our day-to-day lives.
About the speaker:
Ayyā Suvīrā is Buddhist nun (bhikkhunī) in the Theravāda tradition and a student of Bhante Sujato. She received the going-forth ordination as a sāmaṇerī in 2016, and higher ordination as a bhikkhunī at Dhammasara Nuns’ Monastery in 2019 with Ayyā Santinī of Indonesia as preceptor and Ajahn Brahm as instructing teacher. At present, she works on Sutta Central related projects dealing with sutta parallels in Sanskrit. With the support of Bhante Sujato and Tina Ng and team of the Metta Centre/ Mettārāma working group, she is continuing the vision of the Mettārāma project to provide an urban residence for nuns in Sydney.
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