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Coming Home to Ourselves
Coming Home to Ourselves
Metta Centre collaboration with the Association of Engaged Buddhists
Presenter: David O’Rose & Tina Ng
Thursdays 21 & 28 Oct, 4 Nov | 7.30-9pm
Via Zoom
Cost: By Donation
When we think of home, we think of where we belong, where we come from, where we feel safe and nurtured. Most of us have been searching in the wrong place. Our search has led us to disappointments and a sense of futility. In this course, be open to the possibility that you may experience a deeper connection to yourself and others as well as feeling a profound sense of being at home in the world. There will be plenty of opportunities for discussions, questions, sharing and healing.
We will explore the following topics:
Session 1: Who am I? Coming home to ourselves through self inquiry.
Session 2. Who are you? Coming home to ourselves through relationships.
Session 3. What is this? Coming home to ourselves through adversity. Letting go to discover what we are not.
About the Presenters:
David O’Rose is an experienced leader of meditation groups, both in Sydney and Hong Kong. His approach is utterly simple, where the living experience of a meditative approach to everyday life is the aim of practice.
Tina Ng is the Founder and President of the Metta Centre and also the Principal Solicitor of Metta Legal, a law firm that deals with cases relating to family law, child protection, property, wills & estates, civil litigation and guardianship matters. She is an accredited mediator at Metta Resolution, which provides mediation, training and coaching to resolve conflict in the community and within families.
Zoom Login details: If you would like to join our session online, just click on this link to access the session (NB this is a unique link not our usual Metta Centre link): https://zoom.us/j/98510500274.#success | Zoom Meeting ID : 985 1050 0274 | Passcode: 645945