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Jul 7, 2021 7:00 PM

July 7, 2021 8:00 PM

7-9 Cross Street, #2

Desire and Aversion: 2 week course

Desire and Aversion: 2 week course

Presenter: Tina Ng

Wednesday 30 Jun & 7 Jul | 7-8pm

Via Zoom

Cost: By Donation

So much of our life is filled with wanting and not wanting: craving for what we like and pushing away what we don’t like. Wanting to be with this person and not wanting to be with this other person. From the moment we wake up, we are bombarded with internal and external stimuli for us to run after with desire or to run away from with aversion. This constant chase has become normalised and the stress that comes with it may seem a natural part of our life. But what happens when we start to understand and unravel these habitual tendencies? What happens when we learn how unskillful desires and aversions arise, how they are perpetuated, and importantly, how to be free from these entanglements? In this two week course, we will explore what the Buddha taught about craving and aversion, the process and the freedom from them.

About the Presenter: Tina Ng is the Founder and President of the Metta Centre and also the Principal Solicitor of Metta Legal, a law firm that deals with cases relating to family law, child protection, property, civil litigation and guardianship matters. She is an accredited mediator at Metta Resolution, which provides mediation, training and coaching to resolve conflict in the community and within families. Tina has a keen interested in supporting the youth, and has run various mentoring programs through her business and social projects. She has organised various events, has played the role of coordinator, emcee, and auctioneer at charity functions. She has shared the Buddha’s teachings in conferences, talks, workshops, and in her writings.

Zoom Login details: If you would like to join our session online, just click on this link to access the session: Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 | Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905


Jul 7, 2021 7:00 PM


Jul 7, 2021 8:00 PM


7-9 Cross Street, #2


July 7, 2021

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