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Dhamma at the Museum
Join us for a unique journey through the Australian Museum with Venerable Chao Khun Keng and Venerable Dhammadharo
Dhamma at the Museum
with Venerable Chao Khun Keng and Venerable Dhammadharo
Saturday 13 August | 2-5pm
Australian Museum (1 William Street, Sydney)
Cost: Free
Contact: Zen 0420 276 026
RSVP is essential with your contact details in case we need to contact you about or during the event
Join us for a unique journey through the Australian Museum with Venerable Chao Khun Keng and Venerable Dhammadharo, as they use the artefacts and exhibits on display to exemplify and explain the Dhamma teachings. There is no entry fee to the museum or to this event. When you arrive please inform the museum that you are joining the Metta Centre group. You can read more about the museum here: https://australian.museum/