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Equanimity and compassion in a changing world
Equanimity and compassion in a changing world
Collaboration between Metta Centre & the Association of Engaged Buddhists
Presenters: David O’Rose & Tina Ng
Thursdays 24 & 31 March | 7.30pm-9pm
Online: links provided below
Cost: By Donation
We are bombarded by devastating images of geopolitical instability, climate change induced disasters, economic uncertainty and a seemingly never ending pandemic. Does Buddhism offer an alternative way to view these challenges?
Join Tina Ng and David O’Rose as they view this chaos from a refreshingly liberating perspective.
There will be plenty of opportunities for discussions, questions and sharing.
About the Presenters:
David O’Rose is an experienced leader of meditation groups, both in Sydney and Hong Kong. His approach is utterly simple, where the living experience of a meditative approach to everyday life is the aim of practice.
Tina Ng is the Founder and President of the Metta Centre and also the Principal Solicitor of Metta Legal, a law firm that deals with cases relating to family law, child protection, property, wills & estates, civil litigation and guardianship matters. She is an accredited mediator at Metta Resolution, which provides mediation, training and coaching to resolve conflict in the community and within families.
Login details: If you would like to join our session, just click on this link to access the session: https://zoom.us/j/98510500274?pwd=bmJ3bmNQNEJObnVoMyt2ckR0dERqQT09 | Meeting ID: 985 1050 0274 | Passcode: 645945 (Please note this is not the usual Metta Centre link)