Finding Peace in the Big City
Metta Centre is honoured to host a number of international speakers. As part of these series, we have invited Venerable Suddhaso & Venerable Soma from New York to speak about how we can find peace and practice Buddhism while living in the hustle and bustle of a big city.
About the speakers: Ven. Bhante Suddhāso and Venerable Soma are Buddhist monastics living in New York City. Ven Suddhaso is the co-founder of Buddhist Insights, a new platform using technology to build community and facilitate access to reliable monastic teachings. His work aims to convey Buddhist concepts and their practical applicability to everyday life. Both teachers have taught people of all different ages and walks of life, including college students of universities like Harvard, New York University, Fordham University, and Sarah Lawrence College…and even mediation in a New York subway station! To find out more about Buddhist Insights: http://buddhistinsights.com/