From Blight to Blessing - Mindfully Making the Most of Life's Challenges
From Blight to Blessing - Mindfully Making the Most of Life's Challenges
Speaker: John Barter
Wed 1 Nov | 7-8.30pm AEDT
Location: In person at Western Sydney University (74 Rickard Rd, Bankstown City Campus), Room 1.4.34 on level 4 or Online (Zoom link below)
Cost: Free
With a Mindful and Wise - Right View approach to our Life, we can consciously conceive, perceive and then receive Life's issues in a way where we transform blights into blessings!A Mindful and Wise relationship to our ongoing experience creates Psychological Breathing Space to not get caught in the default or Reacting, Resisting, Denying or Distracting from what is actually happening which wastes so much precious time and energy and keeps us caught in a negative default mode.
With Mindfulness and Wisdom we can live our life by design not by default. Here we can transform issues and illnesses, pains and problems into lessons, learnings and even into Liberation!
The Buddha Dhamma offers ideas and options for this alchemy or transformation of blights to blessings. Here a woeful situation becomes workable even wonderful! This Dhamma Talk by Buddhist Psychologist and Meditation Teacher John Barter, offers insights and ideas for this possibility.
About the speaker: JOHN BARTER (BA. (Psych)(Uni.Syd), Grad. Dip. Sci. (Psych)(Uni Syd), M. Coun., MAPS) Psychologist and Director of WELL-AWARE-NESS, offers a unique approach to health, healing and conscious living, by ‘Creating and Supporting Wellness through Awareness’.
John was a Buddhist Monk of the Theravada Forest Tradition for over a decade, and is now a Nationally Registered Psychologist and senior Meditation Teacher.
At WELL-AWARE-NESS Psychology, John uses the medical-science knowledge and understandings of Mind-Body-Medicine, balanced with the wisdom insights, perspectives and mindfulness practices of traditional Buddhism.
John appreciates that apart from Life itself, one of our most valuable assets is our health and wellness, and that this includes the whole of our psycho-physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. With regards to health and healing, there is much that the individual can do within themselves, through practices, perspectives and conscious living to engage and enhance the quality of their health, wellness and life potential.
Hybrid event: Attend the session in person, or online by clicking on this link to access the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83506489824?pwd=cmpNQ1ljSmFVYURLWVN1dWllYUN1dz09 Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 | Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905