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Healing Meditation Class Facilitated by Sister Emerald
The Healing Breathing Sangha will host meditation sessions at the Metta Centre twice a month each 1st and 3rd Monday from 7pm to 8.30pm, with the first class commencing on Monday 12th March. The classes will explore different kinds of Buddhist practice, including guided meditation, walking meditation, sutra reading, touching the earth practice, lying down meditation, and question and answer discussions.
Dates for the sessions are:
March: Mondays 12 & 19
April: Mondays 2 & 16
May: Mondays 7 & 21
June: Mondays 4 & 18
July: Mondays 2 & 16
Aug: Mondays 6 & 20
Sept: Mondays 3 & 17
Oct: Mondays 1 & 15
Nov: Mondays 5 & 19
Dec: Mondays 3 & 17