HiStory, HerStory, OurStory Ven Ayya Tathaloka
Ayya Tathaloka is due to give a talk on this topic at the Mitra Conference on 3 March 2018, and this talk at the Metta Centre is the continuation of the topic to further explore the themes of story and experience. (For information and tickets for the Mitra Conference, visit: http://www.mitraconference.com/ )
Our sense of ourselves and world are made up of stories: her story, his story, and our ever-evolving shared stories. These stories frame our current experience and sense of selves; they create and shape our future, our destiny, and the future destiny of not only all of humanity, but all of life--even framing and shaping our engagement with the unknown. Unawares, this process run amok can create tremendous harm and suffering. Bringing consciousness and intentionality to this process opens up realms of skilful practice and opportunity. Stories of the Buddha and of his disciples pervade the teachings we learn from today. Engaging conscious choice and intentionality in the process of story: What stories are we creating, holding, perpetuating? What role do they play in creating cultures of enlightenment and awakening--in ourselves and world?
About the Teacher: Ven. (Ayya) Tathaloka Theri is an American-born Theravada bhikkhuni, meditative scholar and Buddhist teacher. Ayya Tathaloka began pursuing monastic life at age 19. She has studied in Europe, India, South Korea, Thailand and other countries, and has taught around the world for the public, in monasteries east and west, and in Sangha Universities in both South Korea and Thailand.
Ayya Tathaloka is the co-founder of Dhammadharini Monastery and the Aranya Bodhi Hermitage in Northern California, recipient of the 2006 Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award at the United Nations in Thailand, and served as preceptor for the first samaneri and bhikkhuni ordinations in Theravada traditions in Australia in 2008 and 2009.
Ayya Tathaloka’s teachings can be found at dhammadharini.net