How I helped End Two Wars: an evening with Tony Lenart
An inspiring story of the power of love to overcome hatred, and the ability we all have to make a positive difference in the world.
Tony Lenart was the Deputy CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society, and the Australian Chairman of the Hunger Project, and he has always been interested in humanitarian causes. He was particularly concerned that millions of people were dying from poverty or as the result of rebel wars in Africa, but like most people, felt there was little he could do personally to significantly impact the situation.
However, he had been teaching leadership and conflict resolution in Australia, and wondered what would happen if he took these trainings to Africa and worked with African leaders, including rebels, and encouraged them to be great leaders who leave a positive legacy, and helped them to find peaceful alternatives to conflicts.He had no idea if he would succeed, yet ended up working with Vice Presidents, Generals, and the heads of rebel armies fighting against them.
In D.R. Congo he trained the top 178 rebels who were controlling half the country. They applied many of his teachings and ended what had become known as “The Great War of Africa”. And in Uganda his mediation training led to thousands of rebels laying down their arms and returning to mainstream society.
Tony Lenart was also invited to give a similar presentation at the Global Buddhist Congregation that celebrated the 2600th anniversary of Buddha's enlightenment. Metta Centre's tagline "With inner peace comes world peace" - is the core of what Tony has been doing (in teaching Rebel leaders to be happier and more fulfilled through becoming more conscious and finding peaceful methods to resolve the conflicts they are involved with).
Come and hear this fascinating story of the power of love – and what is possible for all of us if we approach our enemies (whether rebels, colleagues, spouses, or even our own inner demons) with compassion & understanding.
To view interviews with the rebels, and an African TV show on Tony’s work, please visit www.youtube.com/ToTransformConflict
For more info contact: Andrea Maria Sims (m) 0423 778 098 (e) [email protected]