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How to practice Buddhism in daily living
How to practice Buddhism in daily living
Presenter: Ajahn Dhammadharo
Wed 30 March | 7-8.30pm
Online: links provided below
Cost: Free
As householders, we spend most of our time living a lay life, working, studying, spending time with families and friends, or enjoying leisurely activities. So how can we make the most of our time practising the Dhamma, both on and off the figurative meditation mat? This talk will offer a wealth of wisdom for us, lay practitioners, to help us ground ourselves in our Buddhist practice and cultivate wholesome qualities.
Please note that this talk will not be recorded, so hope you can attend and not miss out on this special event with our guest speaker, Ajahn Dhammadharo!
About the Speaker: Ajahn Dhammadharo was born on 29 March, 1986 in Melbourne, Australia. His first meaningful exposure to Buddhism occurred when his mother gave him a book containing Buddhist teachings as a Christmas gift when he was sixteen. His interest steadily increased from then until he took novice ordination in the lineage of Ajahn Chah at Wat Nong Pah Pong Forest Monastery, Ubon Province, Thailand, in January 2005 and subsequently took full bhikkhu ordination in Buddha Bodhivana Forest Monastery, Victoria, Australia in 2006 where he continued to study and practice for the next twelve years. For the last five years he has been continuing his learning and practice of the Dhamma between monasteries in Thailand, Australia, and Ireland.
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