Into the Cave, Into the Mind : A Public Talk by Tara Choying Lhamo
Into the Cave, Into the Mind: A Public Talk by Tara Choying Lhamo
Saturday 18 March 2017 9am for a 9.30am start to 11.30am Cost: By Donation Location: Metta Centre
Tara Choying Lhamo is a western Buddhist practitioner from Austria, a student of Sonam Jorphel Rinpoche, His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Chungtsang and His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche. Tara has been living in retreat in Nepal for over twenty years. Twelve of those years she has spent high in the mountains in Lapchi, in one of Milarepa’s caves in closed retreat. Tara’s story has inspired many westerners in her commitment to the path of spiritual practice as a non-monastic, western woman.
In Tara’s short trip to Australia and New Zealand, she will be giving a free public talk at the Metta Centre on her remarkable story and offer an opportunity to ask questions about life as a westerner in long-term retreat. To hear Tara’s first talk in London last year, follow this link:https://youtu.be/OTv42vuXA_M