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Sep 16, 2024 7:00 PM

September 16, 2024 8:30 PM

74 Rickard Road

Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism: Our Personal Contribution to World Peace

This talk will focus on the practical aspects of how Tibetan Buddhism can be applied in our daily lives

Tibetan Buddhism is unique among all forms of Buddhism in the world, as it is the only one that contains the complete teachings of the Buddha, encompassing the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana paths.

Over centuries of careful acquisition, starting from the decline of Buddhism in India around the 7th century CE, Buddhism became the official religion of The Land of Snows (Tibet). It was formally consolidated by notable Indian Buddhist scholars and practitioners such as, Shantarakshita, Padmasambhava, and Jowo Atisha. Over time, four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism emerged: the Nyingmapa, the Kagyupa, the Sakyapa, and the Gelugpa. All four schools follow the collected teachings of the Buddha known as the Kangyur, in addition to the scholastic commentaries or treatises known as the Tengyur, which supplement the Buddha’s teachings. As an indication of its uniqueness, many of the texts in the Tengyur were lost in their original languages but were preserved in Tibetan.

The talk presented here will focus on the practical aspects of how Tibetan Buddhism can be applied in our daily lives: our place in our family, the role of our career in our life, our participation in society, the acknowledgement of universal responsibility, and ultimately our place in the universe as defined by our compassion and love.

By clearly understanding what we need to adopt and what we need to abandon, we can slowly begin to navigate through the confusion of what it means to be a caring person living in a seemingly “unfeeling” world. Buddhism offers us the opportunity to see where we have come from, who we are at the present moment, and, importantly, where we are going from here.

Tibetan Buddhism offers us the opportunity to learn important facets about ourselves. Regardless of the religious faith we have been born into or the cultural tradition we may identify with, Buddhism can introduce us to who we are and provide us with a glimpse ultimately into who we can be.

About the speaker: Robert Tomic has been practising Tibetan Buddhism for the past 30 years, wherein he has received teachings and empowerments from all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, both in Australia and overseas. For 10 years Robert has taught (introductory level) Tibetan Buddhism to any and all, whether in people’s homes or in a classroom setting, who are genuinely interested to learn and apply the unique fundamental steps that can undo the confusion of living in a seemingly contradictory world. Tibetan Buddhism, even in its simplest form, has the ability to change us into pro-active participants who clearly understand how precious this life is and how fulfilling it can become.

Hybrid event: Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive session in person at the Metta Centre or online by clicking on this link to access the session: Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 | Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905


Sep 16, 2024 7:00 PM


Sep 16, 2024 8:30 PM


74 Rickard Road



September 16, 2024

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