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Oct 4, 2023 7:00 PM

October 4, 2023 8:30 PM

74 Rickard Road

Intuition and Inspiration

Intuition and Inspiration Speaker: Jeff Oliver (Joining online from Central Coast) Wed 4 Oct | 7-8.30pm AEDT Location: In person at Western Sydney University (Bankstown City Campus), Room 1.4.34 on level 4 or online Link below Cost: Free What are the ways in which we can develop our intuition and inspiration? How can we foster them so as to offer direction and purpose to our lives? Join us for this interactive session with Jeff Oliver in exploring how to tap into your intitution and find your inspiration! About the speaker: Jeh “Free” Oliver teaches about freedom! Freedom from whatever YOU want to be free from!  He was a Buddhist Monk in Myanmar from 1993 - 2002. He practiced Vipassana meditation under the guidance of the great Master Venerable Chanmyay Sayadaw. After disrobing, he met another great Meditation Master from whom he learnt Freestyle Vipassana. His practice is mindfulness can be applied to every situation in life to see things as they are and gain insight and wisdom to create balance and harmony. Hybrid event: Attend the session in person, or online by clicking on this link to access the session: Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 | Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905

Oct 4, 2023 7:00 PM


Oct 4, 2023 8:30 PM


74 Rickard Road


October 4, 2023

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