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Dec 9, 2023 8:30 AM

December 9, 2023 6:00 PM

74 Rickard Road

Know your mind: The Buddha’s Science - A Mind Lab Workshop

Know your mind: The Buddha’s Science A Mind Lab Workshop Presenters: Ven. Dharana Dassa Thero and Ven. Dr Mahinda Thero 9 December 2023 | 8.30am-6 pm (9am start) Location – Western Sydney University, Bankstown City campus room BK-1.4.34 Cost – Free (Lunch and refreshments provided)   As sentient beings, we experience the world through our minds, and every moment is a new opportunity to perceive it differently. The world as we see it is a creation of our mind, shaped by our beliefs, experiences, and emotions. Science and technology have advanced thanks to our ability to understand the world around us, yet we have not still fully explored the functionality of our own minds. The mind is like a tool, one we’ve had since birth, yet don’t know how to properly use which, quite obviously, results in day-to-day troubles and mental health issues. This workshop offers an opportunity to delve deeper into the understanding of the mind's science. It explains how perception occurs in our minds, how our beliefs shape our reality, and how mindfulness-awareness meditation can help us develop a deeper awareness of our mental processes. By following the Buddhist core principles, we can learn the underlying mechanism of negative thought patterns and emotions, which guide us to achieve unconditional inner peace. Moreover, the workshop clarifies the difference between the Buddha's theory of cause and effect and the scientific world's version. The theory of cause and effect is a core principle that drives the entire world, and understanding its workings is essential to achieving an understanding of the reality that we perceive. By attending the workshop, you will get the manual of the mind, the science of perception, a explanation and deeper insight into the way we experience the world.   This workshop will include talks, Q&A sessions, guided meditation, and other activities. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. For catering purposes please book via Eventbrite. Join us to discover your mind – The Buddha’s Science.   About the Teachers: Ven. Dharana Dassa Thero: At the young age of 15 Ven. Dharana Dassa Thero AKA Dassa Thero let his curiosity take over, as he left his home and his loving family in England, in search of the greater truth of the world. Ven Dassa Thero sought his teachers help as they guided him along the right path, to understanding his daily life and the problems he came across in order to solve them and help others do the same. Day by day Ven. Dassa Thero worked to comprehend this truth, eventually making a difficult but life – changing decision to ordain as a monk, dedicating his life to helping everybody live happier, more peaceful lives. Six years on, he celebrates his journey as a higher-ordained Buddhist monk as he continues sharing his discoveries with a growing audience of avid listeners who tune in to his talks regularly from across the globe. During his visits to Australia, he has conducted sessions to a variety of audiences, such as schools, corrections centres, rehabilitation centres etc. Today, Dassa Thero is a sought-after speaker among youth from countries including Canada, Australia, UK, and USA who seek his guidance to tackle issues affecting them. He has helped many people of all ages overcome challenges such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, addictions and more. His innate ability to deliver life-changing talks by intertwining the timeless truths of Dharma with inspirational stories and modern-day examples all based in the foundations of science, helps apply the Buddhist teachings into our lives effortlessly. Dassa Thero's unwavering goal is to realise the Ultimate Truth of Unconditional Happiness, so he can free himself and help everybody else do the same.   Ven. Dr. Mahinda Thero: Having lived his lay life in Australia, working as a research scientist at the Australian National University after completing his PhD, Ven. Mahinda Thero has always been a curious seeker of the fundamental truths of existence, which he believes are the cornerstones of a fulfilling life. It was this curiosity and no small amount of good fortune which led both him and his then-wife to discover the authentic teachings of the Buddha. In the footsteps of a teacher who showed them the true purpose of their life and the path that would lead them to Enlightenment, Mahinda Thero decided to make the life-changing choice to leave behind an indulgent lifestyle of worldly comforts and material successes and set off on a journey to achieve unshakeable happiness. On his journey as a higher-ordained monk, he has helped many thousands of individuals overcome life challenges, such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, addictions and more. Ven. Mahinda Thero is a pro bono consultant for Vimukthi Foundation, a state-registered charitable NGO established in Sri Lanka, which operates several social service programmes such as a rehabilitation centre, an orphanage, and a youth academy. Whilst practising the noble path to reach his ultimate goal of unconditional happiness, as someone who has delivered several talks on related topics to numerous audiences both in Sri Lanka and Australia and online, he is well known for dedicating his time and energy to spreading compassion and kindness to all and help people discover the absolute truths of life, as he himself did.

Dec 9, 2023 8:30 AM


Dec 9, 2023 6:00 PM


74 Rickard Road


December 9, 2023

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