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May 1, 2018 6:00 PM

May 1, 2018 8:00 PM

Living Buddhism Course Facilitated by Zen Low & Tina Ng

Our weekly Living Buddhism Course explores a topic chosen by the group, and the facilitator leads the group as a whole to understand, experience and reflect on how the Buddha’s teachings can be applied to understanding that topic and our lives, so as to make our spiritual practice relevant and integrated in our daily lives. Past sessions have included skilful use of activities, props, talks, guided meditations, discussions, question and answer inquiries, reflective writings, and open sharings within the group. Each session is unique and audience participation is encouraged so as to make the session interactive and relevant to each person. This is a drop in class, so no need to RSVP, though we encourage you to check our website or Facebook page regularly for any changes or a announcement.

Topic for this week: Meditation on the body and mind

The group has chosen the topic for this week to discuss about the effects of meditation on the body. There are already many scientific studies on this topic, and therefore this session will not simply be a presentation on the effects and links between meditation on the human body. This session will explore in a practical and experiential way the effects that the different types of Buddhist meditation has on the human mind and body.


May 1, 2018 6:00 PM


May 1, 2018 8:00 PM



May 1, 2018

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