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Love Yourself, Love the World With John Barclay
The Buddha gave specific teachings on True Love which can be particularly helpful in nourishing and healing us in the midst of the everyday stresses of our urban lifestyles.
We begin by exploring ways of cultivating kindness and compassion towards ourselves. Then with increased confidence, expanding a practice of kindness and compassion toward others that naturally makes us feel fresher and more alive in our daily existence.
About the Presenter: John Barclay is a Lay Dharma Teacher in Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. You can visit the Mountain Spring Monastery in Bilpin, a newly established monastic centre in Sydney. John began practicing mindfulness meditation in 1995 with the Lotus Buds group at the Buddhist Library. He received the lamp transmission from Thich Nhat Hanh in 2004. His teacher’s transmission poem encouraged him to share the dharma with young people and in 2011, after retiring from paid work, that manifested in him becoming a volunteer SRE teacher through the NSWBC. Today John continues to share mindfulness and Buddhist values with young people in both primary and high school, as well as facilitating Wednesday evenings at the Buddhist Library with the Lotus Bud group. John has also enjoyed a long association with Unibuds and Wake Up groups over the years. John is married with 4 children the youngest aged 16.
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