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Dec 8, 2020 6:30 PM

December 8, 2020 7:30 PM

Meditation and Dhamma reflections on 2020 With Ayya Hasapanna

Join us for this special session with guided meditation and discussion to reflect on 2020 to deepen our spiritual practice into 2021

Metta Centre is honoured to host Venerable Hāsapañña (Abbess of Dhammasara Nuns Monastery, Perth) as our guest teacher at our last Metta Centre event for 2020. Join us for this very special session with guided meditation and discussion as we reflect on 2020 and the lessons we can learn from this year to deepen our spiritual practice into the years ahead.

About the Presenter: Ayya Hasapanna joined Dhammasara Nuns Monastery in 2002, beginning her monastic training as an Anagarika (trainee nun keeping 8 precept). She then ordained as a Ten Precept Nun with Ajahn Vayama as her teacher. She subsequently ordained as a Bhikkhuni in 2009 with Ayya Tathaaloka as her preceptor in a ceremony at Bodhinyana Monastery, WA, Australia. Currently, Ajahn Hasapanna is the Abbot of Dhammasara Nuns Monastery and the Assistant Spiritual Director of The Buddhist Society of WA (Inc). She is heavily involved in teaching and training nuns, anagarikas and lay people.

Login details: If you would like to join our session, just click on this link to access the session:

Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 8 7150 1149

Meeting ID: 845 1911 5486 | Passcode: 776812


Dec 8, 2020 6:30 PM


Dec 8, 2020 7:30 PM



December 8, 2020

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