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Meditation Class
Join our drop-in class this Thursday to learn about meditation and be supported with your meditation practice
Meditation Class
Presenter: Terry Redmond
23 Feb 2023| 7-8pm
Location: In person at Metta Centre (Bankstown)
Cost: By Donation
Join our drop-in class to learn about meditation and be supported with your meditation practice. Each class will include meditation, short talk and instructions, and time for discussions, questions and reflections. The class is to help you establish and persist with a daily meditation practice.
Some topics we will explore include:
- How to meditate
- The basics of meditation
- Setting up a regular meditation practice
- Problems with restlessness during meditation
- Techniques for increasing mindfulness
About the Speaker: Terry Redmond has attended Buddhist and meditation sessions regularly over the past 14 years and somewhere along the way became a Buddhist. He is a retired bookkeeper, keen hiker, long-term Buddhist meditator. He has a liking for walking meditation in particular. He is also the founder and president of Lotus Library, a free online library, that you can access here: https://www.lotuslibrary.com/