Metaverse vs Metta Verse
Metaverse vs Metta Verse
Speaker: Bhante Jinasiri aka Bhante Jason (In person)
Wed 14 Feb | 7-8.30pm AEDT
Location: In person at Western Sydney University (74 Rickard Rd, Bankstown City Campus), Room 1.4.34 on level 4 or Online (Zoom link below)
Cost: Free
A frank and open discussion between the ascetic Early Buddhist monk Bhante Jason Jinasiri and the President of the Metta Centre Tina Ng about realistic and humane responses to suffering in the age of metaverse.
About the Speaker: Bhante Jinasiri is an Early Theravādan monk who ordained in Sri Lanka in 2010. Devoted to the exploration of Early Buddhist texts, meditating, simple living and making good on difficult conversations, he is an enthusiastic advocate for rediscovering healthy traditions. He currently spends most of his time helping heal traditional culture in Sri Lanka.
Hybrid event: Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive session in person at the Western Sydney University or online by clicking on this link to access the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
Note: This event will not be recorded