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Feb 19, 2019 6:30 PM

February 19, 2019 7:30 PM

7-9 Cross Street #2

Mindful Life, Happy Life Course

Venerable Sujato will be our first presenter in our Mindful Life, Happy Life Course, and will return each month thereafter. This course explores different topics relevant to modern life living, and is structured to include guided mediation, a talk and discussion. These small classes offer participants an opportunity to ask questions and share their experiences to make the class relevant to those present. About the teacher: Venerable Sujato is an Australian Theravanda Buddhist monk ordained in a monastery in Chiang Mai in Thailand during the 1990s. Besides spending 3 years in the Bodhinyana monastery with Ajahn Brahm, he also spent several years in remote hermitages and caves in Thailand in Malaysia. He helped establish the Santi Forest Monastery in Bundanoon, where he was the abbot for many years. As a scholar of early Buddhism, Venerable Sujato has authored several books and essays, and is the founder of, an impressive online collection of early Buddhist texts, attributed to the teachings of the Buddha or his earliest disciples, with translations and commentary available on the site. Venerable Sujato has taught Buddhism and meditation in Australia and internationally such as in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, America, Germany, Norway, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan and many others. Venerable Sujato is now residing at Lokanta Vihara (the Monastery at the End of the World) in Sydney, Australia.


Feb 19, 2019 6:30 PM


Feb 19, 2019 7:30 PM


7-9 Cross Street #2


February 19, 2019

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