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Aug 4, 2017 6:30 PM

August 4, 2017 9:00 PM

7-9 Cross Street

No Mud, No Lotus: meeting and transforming challenges by Ayya Yeshe

No mud, no lotus: a public talk on meeting and transforming challenges by Ayya Yeshe Friday 4 August 2017 6.30pm for 7pm start to 9pm Cost: By donation Location: Metta Centre Many of us think that to be spiritual means to be untouched by the problems of life. However, Buddhist wisdom says facing challenges is how we learn, grow and develop compassion and empathy. Right in the midst of life is our greatest Dharma teaching. In this workshop, participants will learn tools for thought transformation, emotional resilience and how to transform the dung heap of life into the roses of insight!   About the teacher Ayya Yeshe Bodhicitta ordained as a nun in 2001 at the age of 23. In 2004, Venerable Yeshe studied for two years in a monastery in India, but felt a need to make Buddhism accessible and socially engaged, whilst still trying to maintain her contemplative way of life. She met Indian Buddhists in 2005 and has been working with them ever since. Her teachers are Sakya Trizen (the second highest Lama in Tibetan Buddhism) and Ven Thich Nhat Hanh, the Nobel peace prize poet and peace activist. Ayya Yeshe Bodhicitta is the author of 'Everyday Enlightenment' published by Harper Collins and is featured in the documentaries 'life beyond the begging bowl' and 'Through the Eastern Gate'. She is also made a Buddhist chanting CD with one of Australia's top world music groups - India Jiva called 'Dakini'.

Aug 4, 2017 6:30 PM


Aug 4, 2017 9:00 PM


7-9 Cross Street


August 4, 2017

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