Praises to 21 Taras and the 4 Conditions to the Rebirth in the Pure Land
Public talks on the Two Essential Teachings Here and Hereafter in Mandarin with English translation
二十一度母禮讚文和往生西方極樂世界的四個因的講解: 今生與來世最關鍵的兩個必修課
Teacher: Venerable Khenpo Tsering Tashi
講授上師: 尊貴的 澤仁扎西 堪布
Saturday 15 and 22 July | 2pm – 5pm | Cost: By donation
Venerable Khenpo Tsering Tashi will be presenting a two-part series on the Praises to 21 Taras and the 4 Conditions to the Rebirth in the Pure Land. These are two essential teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. Khenpo will be giving the talks in Mandarin and the talks will be translated into English.
Refreshments will be served during the break.
Registration and Enquiry
Please note this event is organised by Khenpo’s students directly, and therefore all registration and enquiries should be made directly to Yoyo at [email protected]. For more information please visit: http://yeshikhorlo.com and if you would like to connect with Khenpo via Facebook, you can search for Khenpo FB: tsering.tashi.12. You can also read his blog at: http://ttashi07.pixnet.net/blog
About the teacher
Khenpo Tsering Tashi was born in Sershi, Tibet in 1976. At sixteen, he took the vow of ordained monk (Guesel) from Khenpo Arig Gyaltsen in Arig Monastery in Tibet. Khenpo started teaching at Arig Shedra in 2000. In 2006, he left Tibet for Dharamsala, India. Taking His Holiness’s advice and with whose reference, he joined Dzongsar Institute in Chauntra, under the guidance of the late Khenchen Rinpoche Kunga Wangchuk. There he studied the Sakya commentaries of Sutra and Tantra, and due to his skills in Tibetan writing and grammar, he was also a member of the editorial section of the Chokyi Lodro Institute for three years.
In 2012 Khenpo Tsering Tashi established the Wheel of Wisdom, a Tibetan Buddhist Center of Study and Practice in Taipei. He was the chairman of the International Tibetan Buddhist Study Institute in Taiwan from 2014 to 2015. Khenpo also gave teachings regularly in schools, prisons and nursing homes. In 2016 Khenpo Tsering Tashi resettled in Sydney, Australia under the arrangement of UN Refugee Agency, Humanitarian program in Australia and the Tibetan government in exile. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche has encouraged Khenpo to give teachings in Australia, as well as encouraging SIA to request teachings of Khenpo. Khenpo has explained his own aspirations as to how he could best serve here in Australia, saying that in addition to offering dharma teachings he would like to offer teachings in the form of life education to school students, minority groups or prisoners.