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Nov 19, 2022 7:30 PM

November 19, 2022 9:00 PM

Special youth event: The Mind Lab

Special youth event: The Mind Lab Presenter: Ven. Dharana Dassa Thero (from Sri Lanka) Sat 19 November | 7.30 – 9 pm Location: Speaker will be in person at Metta Centre (Bankstown). Participants can join in person or online (zoom link below) Cost by donation   This event is aimed at youths, though all are welcome. This unique event takes a scientific approach to unravel the secrets of the mind. We wake up to a new world every single day. Every day, we consume so much information and entertainment, whether it’s social media, music, video games or movies. We think this brings us happiness, but are we really happy? Is that where happiness is? Have you ever wondered why "when the going gets fun, the fun gets going"? In the Mind Lab, through an interactive session, open-minded and inquisitive teenagers and young adults looking for answers to these questions, will be thrilled to discover how their mind works! This investigation of how the mind works, helps us understand ourselves and others, and find a way to happiness that is beyond our screens. You will learn ways to better your relationship with yourself and those around you, to build a more empathetic, understanding, compassionate, loving and peaceful world. Join Dassa Thero in exploring the unique, simple formula in a day at the Mind Lab.   About the speaker Ven. Dharana Dassa Thero, aka Dassa Thero, is a young and charismatic Buddhist monk. Having grown up in a loving family of two sisters, from a very young age Dassa thero demonstrated an endearing sense of compassion and loving kindness towards all who crossed his path. Educated in a prestigious British Grammar School, very soon he developed a keen acumen for examining virtually every aspect of life, both physical and spiritual. His curiosity and unquenchable thirst to understand the "truths" about life and its purpose were fore signs of a future not even he could imagine. His life took a turn off the beaten path when he met a teacher who was prepared to show him the absolute Truths, and under his guidance Dassa Thero ventured into the depths of the Buddha's Philosophy.   Five years on, he celebrates his journey as a higher-ordained Buddhist monk, by sharing his discoveries with a growing audience of avid listeners who tune in to his talks regularly from across the globe. Today, Dassa Thero is a sought-after speaker among teenagers from countries including Canada, Australia, UK and USA who seek his guidance to tackle issues affecting them. He has helped children of all ages and young adults overcome challenges such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, addictions and more. His innate ability to deliver life-changing talks by intertwining the timeless truths of Dharma with inspirational stories and modern-day examples - all based in the foundations of science, helps apply the Buddhist teachings into our lives effortlessly. Dassa Thero's unwavering goal is to realise the Ultimate Truth of Unconditional Happiness. Enroute to achieving that goal he wishes to spread the seeds of happiness and peace to all mankind.   Hybrid event: Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive session with the speaker who will be online, with the discussions facilitated by Tina Ng in person at the Metta Centre (Bankstown). You are welcome to join the session in person at the Metta Centre or online by clicking on this link to access the session: Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 | Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905

Nov 19, 2022 7:30 PM


Nov 19, 2022 9:00 PM



November 19, 2022

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