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Feb 4, 2017 10:00 AM

February 4, 2017 3:00 PM

Shop 2, 7-9 Cross Street, Bankstown

Sustainable Success - Youth Workshop

Sustainable Success | Youth Workshop

Free youth workshop to enhance your emotional intelligence (EQ), increase your cognitive skills and reduce stress.

How can we be the change leaders that can influence and inspire positive change in our environment that will cause a ripple effect for positive global transformation?

A workshop that will provide the tools to face challenges & uncertainty in our lives, in our relationships and at work.

Topic                                  :   Increase your EQ, Cognitive & Leadership Skills and Reduce Stress

Age group.                         :   18 - 30

Cost                                   :   Free and refreshment will be provided

Time                                   :   10 am - 3 pm

RSVP                                 :    Before 01 February, Sean 0434799663 [[email protected]]

                                               Metta Centre 02 9708 6200 [[email protected]]

(Note: Parents are welcome & are encouraged to join)


Feb 4, 2017 10:00 AM


Feb 4, 2017 3:00 PM


Shop 2, 7-9 Cross Street, Bankstown


February 4, 2017

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