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Apr 20, 2022 7:00 PM

April 20, 2022 8:30 PM

The Five Remembrances of the Buddha

Explore the historical and ultimate reality of the Buddha through recollection of the 5 remembrances of the Buddha.

The Five Remembrances of the Buddha

Presenter: Ven Thich Thong Phap

Wed 20 Apr| 7-8.30pm

Online: links provided below

Cost: Free

We all know the Buddha as a great teacher who discovered a profound way of life leading to the cessation of birth and death, and the path to liberation. This way of life later became known as Buddhism. But who was the Buddha? How well do we really know him? What is his legacy? And what does it mean to be “close” to the Buddha? This talk will explore the historical and ultimate reality of the Buddha through recollection of the 5 remembrances of the Buddha, which will guide us to live by examples the way the Buddha did over 2500 years ago.

About the speaker

Ven Thich Thong Phap is a Buddhist monastic (bhikkhu) ordained within the Trúc Lâm (Bamboo Forest) school of Vietnamese Zen. Since his ordination in Long Tan, Vietnam in 2004, he has trained at Dai Dang Zen Monastery in Bonsall, California, USA, worked as a chaplain at Flinders University in South Australia, as a contemplative care worker in Palliative Care in Hobart, Tasmania, as the Buddhist chaplain at the University of Tasmania and as a student and supervisor in Clinical Pastoral Education. He has also completed 9 months training with the New York Zen Centre for Contemplative Care. He is also, most importantly, the resident monk of the Monday Night Group, a small and committed sangha in the northern suburbs of Adelaide in association with Mindful Path Sangha in the Plum Village tradition. He lives closely with his beloved dogs, Joey and Lucy, in the Southern Flinders Ranges.

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Apr 20, 2022 7:00 PM


Apr 20, 2022 8:30 PM



April 20, 2022

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