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The Joy Challenge
The Joy Challenge
Presenter: Dr. Pema Düddul
Facilitator: Tina Ng
Wed 20 July | 7-8.30pm
Location: In person at Metta Centre (Bankstown) or Online (Zoom link below)
Cost: By donation
Two and a half millennia ago the Buddha taught that without joy (gawa in Tibetan) there is no awakening or enlightenment. The Path of Joy is an ancient Buddhist practice that starts with arousing simple, heart-felt joy and culminates in the state of Dzogpachenpo, which is the Tibetan word for perfect enlightenment. This practice was transmitted to Jamyang Tenphel by the Tibetan master Togden Amtrin (1922 - 2005), a revered yogi of the Drukpa Kagyu lineage and Dzogchen master, and is one of the 84 thousand complete methods to liberation. In this talk we will discuss the importance of joy, how to engage in the practice itself and how joy is used to give rise to and deeply experience the fundamental aspects of each of the Buddhist vehicles – from the Sutrayana all the way to the practice of Dzogchen. We will also discuss how to undertake a joy challenge, a period in time in which we commit to embracing joy for at least part of our day. The Path of Joy is a potent and profound practice that can be used independently or in conjunction with other Buddhist practices to awaken to our true nature.
About the Presenter:
Pema Düddul is the Buddhist Chaplain in the University of Southern Queensland’s Multi-Faith Service, the Director of Jalü Buddhist Meditation Centre and the founder of the USQ Buddhist Winter School. Pema has been a Buddhist for forty years, discovering at the age of eleven that his personal worldview and the tenets of Buddhism were in perfect accordance. Pema has decades of experience as a Buddhist practitioner and has taught mindfulness and meditation in Buddhist, educational and other settings since 2007. Pema is also a certified practitioner of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping) as well as a Transpersonal Counsellor with clients from around the globe. Pema has a doctorate (PhD) in written communication and is an Associate Professor of writing, editing and publishing at the University of Southern Queensland. For more information about Pema's Buddhist activities: https://www.jalumeditation.org/
Hybrid event: Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive session with the speaker, with the discussions facilitated by Tina Ng in person at the Metta Centre (Bankstown). As we invite speakers from all around the world and Sydney, our speaker for this event will be joining us by video. You are welcome to join the session in person at the Metta Centre or online by clicking on this link to access the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83506489824?pwd=cmpNQ1ljSmFVYURLWVN1dWllYUN1dz09 Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 } Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905