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The Reuse Good Stuff Sale
The Reuse Good Stuff Sale
29 October 2016, 9am – 3pm
at Metta Centre
Free entry
As the warmer weather arrives, you may start to pack away the heavy coats and sweaters for t-shirts and shorts. It is little wonder then that the phenomenon of ‘Spring cleaning’ starts about this time of the year.
So as you start cleaning up your home, we invite you to use this time to reflect on the possessions that you have. Do you have possessions that are no longer of use to you, just ‘stuff’ collecting dust, overcrowding your space (and your life)? Do you wish to pass these things on to someone else who may be able to breathe life back into these things again, or find better use for it? Would you like to give these things away, as an act of charity and generosity, but also as a practice of renunciation and simplification? Maybe in letting these items go, you then create room to bring into your home items that are carefully chosen and useful to you.
Metta Centre will be running a ‘Reuse Good Stuff Sale’ on 29 October 2016. All proceeds will go to support the running of Metta Centre in providing free teachings and resources to support Buddhist practice and Buddhist organisations. Any items not sold will be donated to charity.
Some items up for grabs: furniture, electronics, shoulder massager, jewellery, clothes, bags, shoes, books.
So if you have items you wish to purge, or if you wish to volunteer for this great cause, please contact us at [email protected] or call us on 02 9708 6200.