The Tiny Blue Dot
From space, our planet appears as a tiny blue dot in the vastness of space. Blue because 99% of all living space on Earth occurs in the Ocean. Tiny because of the enormity of the universe. Despite being tiny, we owe everything in our existence to this tiny blue dot and really every day should be regarded as Earth Day. Today we use this opportunity to pull a break of our busy lives and reflect on how best we can progress to the future full with dark certainty. We discuss about how each of us individuals can survive in what appears to be a gloomy future, with overcrowding population, animal extinction and climate change being real issues facing our generation. Metta Centre celebrates Earth Day to raise awareness of these issues, to empower our community and to watch the stunning and powerful documentary "BLUE" together. Our discussion and meditation will be led by Bhante Sujato, Buddhist monk and founder of Suttacentral.com.
If you wish to offer food to Bhante Sujato and our friends, please bring it along and stay for lunch.
Although a free event, your donation would be appreciated to cover the costs for the public screening license paid to the filmmaker and to support Metta Centre to continue to offer to the community. You can donation any amount you wish, and a suggested donation is $10 to cover costs.
8.30am: Arrival and seating
9am: Opening and meditation
9.20am: Screening (75 mins)
10.45am: Lunch offering
12 noon: Discussion and talk by Bhante Sujato
1pm: Event ends
(2pm: Venerable Vimokkha will be leading a mediation retreat until 5pm, so you are welcome to stay for this)
Reviews of the film:
"Nuance and complexity set BLUE apart as an environmental documentary. It resists sugar-coating but communicates hope: it simultaneously privileges the scientific and the romantic, the individual and the collective. The images of the ocean's decay stun us, but so do the many images of its beauty - and these factors become change-making forces in BLUE"
"An unforgettabe and galvanizing experience"
- Vancouver International Film Festival