True Happiness Lies within You
Venerable Kittiched Siriwattago is scheduled to visit Australia from Thailand for a week in April. We are extremely grateful for Venerable to make time to lead a session at the Metta Centre on the topic of “True Happiness Lies within You” during his brief visit to Australia.
It’s a fact of life that life won’t always go as we plan or wish. Sometimes we face disappointment, failures, challenges, hurt and unhappiness. We may be hurt by those we love, our family, colleagues, friends, even strangers. We may hurt ourselves, perhaps unintentionally and unknowingly. In our chase away from unhappiness and chase towards mundane happiness, we don’t realise that happiness is not somewhere external to us. Happiness actually lies within our hearts. When we feel joyful in the present moment and our mind is calm, we will see happiness within our mind, and this profound happiness is not the kind of happiness that money could buy.
This session is to explore these themes in a practical way. The teacher will guide participants through various practices, particularly mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation. It will guide participants to learn to let go of what is unskilful, to bring back what is skilful and positive, and to learn to fill our hearts with loving kindness again.
About the teacher: Venerable Kittiched Siriwattago is the Chairperson of the Bunyanupab Vipassana Retreat Centre and the Buddhamahametta Foundation. Venerable has extensive experience in teaching Vipassana meditation courses and has been invited to give Dhamma talks to a number of universities, government agencies, corporates and to the general public. Recently he has become the Overseas Dhammaduta Bhikkhu (Missionary Monk), allowing him visa-free access to teach in 75 countries, so as to propagate the Buddha’s teachings outside of Thailand. Venerable has been invited to a number of places around the world to conduct meditation retreats, for example, America, Canada, Germany, Switzerland and England.
Other events in Sydney: Venerable Kittiched Siriwattago will be conducting courses from 24 to 28 April each day from 8.00 am - 5.00 pm at Sancta Sophia College -McDonald Room, 8 Missenden Road, Camperdown NSW 2050. For more information and registration click here: https://goo.gl/6fbNRF