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Oct 20, 2018 10:00 AM

October 21, 2018 5:00 PM

7-9 Cross Street #2

Urban Meditation Retreat

The Buddha gave instructions to his disciples on how to train the mind, cultivate wholesome qualities, and develop the mental faculties. Those instructions are still available to us in translated texts known as ‘Suttas’ or ‘Scriptures’.


In this two-day course, Venerable Vimalaramsi will provide detailed instructions on meditation as found directly from the early Buddhist suttas.


In the first day, you will learn about Meditation and Mindfulness: How to practice the Mindfulness of Loving-kindness. We may have heard about mindfulness. You may have also heard of Loving-kindness. But have heard of the Mindfulness of Loving-kindness? This full day will explore how this powerful practice leads you to awakening and freedom from life’s sufferings.


In the second day, we will be looking into craving and the letting go of craving with the method that Venerable Vimalarmsi names as the “6Rs”. This day will be to understand desire, and to let go of unwholesome desire. How do we let go of desire? It seems obvious but it is not. It is through Right Effort that we let go of desire, and Right Effort is in a practical sense through the mechanism of the 6Rs. This day allows you to learn the 6Rs to eliminate disturbances in your life and in your meditation.


* If you are unable to attend this urban retreat, there is also a similar retreat that will be hosted at the Dhamma Home in Yagoona on 13 and 14 October from 10am to 5pm each day.

* Venerable Vimalarmsi will also be giving talks at other locations:

- At the Buddhist Library on Fri 26 Oct, 7.00pm - 8.00pm

- At Sangha Lodge on Wed 24 Oct and 31 Oct, 7.30pm - 8.30pm

- At the Indonesian Buddhist Society on Sun 28 Oct, 10am - 1pm


Oct 20, 2018 10:00 AM


Oct 21, 2018 5:00 PM


7-9 Cross Street #2


October 21, 2018

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