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Jun 3, 2017 9:00 AM

June 3, 2017 4:00 PM

Shop 2, 7-9 Cross Street

Urban Meditation Retreat - with Venerable Bom Hyon Sunim

This event is now cancelled due to unexpected illness. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Urban Meditation Retreat

with Venerable Bom Hyon Sunim

Cultivating Loving Kindness & Compassion for Oneself is the Jewel in the Crown of the Buddha's Teachings

Care and compassion starts with us.

If we don’t know how to do it for ourselves, how can we do it for anyone else?

… We cultivate loving kindness & compassion through deep body awareness …

The Celts spoke of thin places – gateways, liminal spaces that help us to shift gears within ourselves. Sakyamuni was no stranger to liminality; he retreated into the forest and discovered a meditation unlike any other being taught in his day. Turning his attention inwards, he sought out ‘thin places’, liminal spaces which reveal a deep body process grounded in sensations, sensory experience, feeling and emotions.

IN BODY, we are not separate from everything …

Our body feels, senses, knows its interconnection with allthings.

Our sense of separation is simply due to unawareness of what the body knows, because mostly we reside in the head and experience life from that view.The truth is that we are, or we exist so to speak, only in and through interconnection. As we move into deeper body awareness this becomes very clear to us. Ultimately, we are nothing other than “interbeing” as Thich Nhat Hanh calls it.

 We follow the Buddha’s example by giving ourselves to the breath; here we meet the interfaces of stillness and movement, silence and sound. We continue to rest on the breath and explore resonance and resistance, allowing internal boundaries to dissolve and loosen,so as to support a softening of inner judgment and enable new insights and experiences to come forth.

About the teacher :

Venerable Bom Hyon Sunim is from the Korean Zen tradition and is resident at the Korean Jong Bop Sa Temple in Sydney. Sunim has recently relocated to Sydney, having lived in Victoria for the past 8 years, where she was the resident teacher of the Bodhi Ahm Buddhist Centre and founded the Healthcare Chaplaincy program for the Buddhist Council. She is also the Senior Buddhist Chaplain for the Australian Defence Forces.

Sunim conducts regular teachings and retreats and continues to teach regularly with the Melbourne Sakya group. She is active in interfaith and welcomes engagement with all who are spiritually & ecologically motivated to live in right relationship to the planet & all beings.


Jun 3, 2017 9:00 AM


Jun 3, 2017 4:00 PM


Shop 2, 7-9 Cross Street


June 3, 2017

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