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Urban retreat: The Selfless Now
Urban retreat: The Selfless Now
Teacher: Ajahn Sādaro
Saturday 9 April | 9am – 5pm
In person at the Metta Centre (Bankstown) & online via Metta Centre's Facebook live
Registration for in person attendance is essential through Eventbrite
Cost: By donation
While the teaching of non-self (Anatta) is considered one of the more refined layers of the Buddhist path of meditation, it is possible for anyone to catch moments of insight into this profound state of being. These valuable moments of insight have the power to reorientate the way we live our lives and practice the Dhamma. Ajahn Sadaro will lead a one day meditation retreat at the Metta Centre on Saturday the 9th of April focused on practices that can help with the development of insight into non-self. The retreat is aimed at intermediate level practitioners, but beginners are also welcome.
9am: Arrival
9.30am: Meditation
10am: First session
11am: Dana - lunch at the park
1pm: Second session
2pm: Break
2.30pm: Third session
3.30pm: Afternoon tea break
4pm: Final session
5pm: End
Dana offering: If you would like to offer lunch dana to Ajahn Sadaro and participants, we invite you to bring your pre-cooked food and drinks on the day (please arrive prior to 10.30am). Please email us to advise what you will bring as this will assist us for catering purposes to [email protected]
About the teacher: Ajahn Sādaro ordained in the forest tradition in Thailand in 2005. After practising throughout SE Asia, he returned to Australia in 2015 and now currently resides at the Buddhist Society of Victoria's Buddhaloka vihara in Melbourne.