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Walking Meditation Workshop
In this session, participants will learn and have opportunities to try various versions of walking meditation to use in their daily lives
Presenter: Terry Redmond
In person at Metta Centre and Online: links provided below
Cost: By donation
Many people think of sitting on a cushion when they think of meditation. Some may even consider walking mediation as the "other" or "lesser" meditation. Others, like Terry Redmond, consider walking meditation as their primary and even "greater" meditation style for them. In this workshop, Terry will share his journey on how walking meditation has helped his spiritual practice, and participants will learn and have opportunities to try various versions of walking meditation that they can then use in their daily and busy lives.
About the Presenter: Terry Redmond has attended Buddhist and meditation sessions regularly over the past 14 years and somewhere along the way became a Buddhist. He is a retired bookkeeper and likes to marry science with Buddhism. His favourite author is the American Buddhist nun, Pema Chodron, and he has a liking for walking meditation.
Login details: If you would like to join our session online, just click on this link to access the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83506489824?pwd=cmpNQ1ljSmFVYURLWVN1dWllYUN1dz09
Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011
Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905