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Jul 27, 2022 7:00 PM

July 27, 2022 8:30 PM

7-9 Cross Street, #2

Why bad days are the best?

In this session we will talk about how to be mindful in challenging circumstances which can be ultimately very rewarding

Why bad days are the best?

Speaker: Andrew “Bodhi” Kennings

Facilitator: Tina Ng

Wed 27 July | 7-8.30pm

Location: In person at Metta Centre (Bankstown) or Online (Zoom link below)

Cost: By donation

Modern lay life provides many challenges, as the first noble truth says, life can be hard sometimes. For an experienced Vipassana meditator, being mindful in challenging circumstances can be difficult but ultimately very rewarding. Mindfulness of our own negative mind states and insight into what their cause is, is an enlightening experience. Lay life certainly throws up many challenges, the next time you have a disagreement with your partner, or perhaps experience a stressful work situation, use this as the perfect time to be mindful, maybe of the physical sensations of the body, the thoughts running through your head or an angry mind state appearing. Being mindful and applying insight will help to purify negative mental tendencies which are ultimately what keeps us in samsara.

About the Speaker: Andrew “Bodhi” Kennings is a meditation teacher and former Theravadin Buddhist monk. He was previously an accountant with Deloitte, before entering finance and starting up a number of successful technology companies. He gave it all away to become a Buddhist monk at 27 years of age, studying and practicing under various meditation masters including Bhante Mahinda, Ajahn Brahmavamso and Venerable Pannyavaro for three and a half years before returning to lay life and teaching meditation. Bodhi teaches the skillful use, and right combination of, metta (loving kindness), samatha (concentration) and vipassana (mindfulness) meditations, utilizing anapanasati techniques (mindfulness of the breath), so that a meditator has all of the necessary abilities to achieve their own enlightenment under a Bodhi tree.

Hybrid Event: Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive session with the speaker, with the discussions facilitated by Tina Ng in person at the Metta Centre (Bankstown). As we invite speakers from all around the world and Sydney, our speaker for this event will be joining us by video. You are welcome to join the session in person at the Metta Centre or online by clicking on this link to access the session: Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 | Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905


Jul 27, 2022 7:00 PM


Jul 27, 2022 8:30 PM


7-9 Cross Street, #2


July 27, 2022

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