Zen and the Art of Pause by Venerable Bom Hyon Sunim
Sunim conducts regular teachings and retreats and continues to teach regularly with the Melbourne Sakya group. She is active in interfaith and welcomes engagement with all who are spiritually & ecologically motivated to live in right relationship to the planet & all beings.
Zen emphasises ‘just doing it’. It’s a way of self-cultivation leading to calmness, serenity, and concentration. Zen arts and meditation focus on the importance of One, mind-body unity, which is essential for any kind of mastery. Zen attitude, Zen mind remains in the now, being fully aware of the illusory nature of material life.
Zen is unpretentious, seeing beauty in what is imperfect, impermanent, incomplete. It is always in harmonious relationship with nature, deeply respecting the sacred. It never tries to manage or control nature, always seeking a profound spiritual bond.
In the same way, humans must seek a harmonious relationship with nature if the values of peace, serenity, calmness are to flourish. In order to do this, we must live together with nature as one, accepting each other's integrity and power. This is only possible if we practice the Way which resolves contradictions.
LISTEN - turn your attention to the sounds …
BE PRESENT - what can you hear?
TASTE – let the tongue linger …
PAUSE – experience the heartbeat of the universe
FEEL – palms together, delight in deep intimacy …
OPEN – to the natural flow of creativity …
It’s not about going anywhere,
It’s about walking every step.